After developing kivy application, kivy developers have provided a somewhat detailed steps to building an apk. According to the page one needs:
- A Linux system (Virtual machine)
- Java
- Python 2.7
- Jinja2
- Apache Ant and,
- Android SDK
- You need to install android API level 8 or 14 and pretty much any NDK version as i tested.
- Exporting each of the appropriate paths such as the ANDROIDSDK, ANDROIDNDK, ANDROIDNDKVER, ANDROIDAPI, PATH.
After setting up all the prerequisites, cloning python-for-android repo using git is a pretty smooth process, however the problem arises when trying to build your distribution. The "" script is found in the /path/python-for-android/ directory and runing it as specified in the kivy page might result to an empty /python-for-android/dist/default and no matter what you do, it will continue to be empty
And in this way, if you run the script it will keep throwing some errors like "Error: missing object name for verb "update"" blah blah blah. When you see such an error the way to solve it is:
- To simply delete the /dist/ directory
- Run "./ -m "kivy""
- Check the /dist/default/ directory if its empty
- If not, you are ready to go.
NOTE: You can simply download the kivy virtual machine, which comes with all the dependencies pre installed, all you need to do is to configure your paths, build your distribution and build your app.
Have fun Hacking....